Reblogged: That “Thing”…

Mighty powerful message from my friend M_McKeen at In Silence We Suffer, all in a neat 181 words!

In Silence We Suffer

You know that “thing” you really want to do?

That dream that brings you a moment of joy every time you think about it, but you’re scared of what will happen if you commit to it.

That person you really want to talk to, but you keep putting it off, as you’re worried they’re too busy to talk to you.

That love that you need to express, but you fear that if you did, things would never be the same again.

My advice would be to give it a go. Regret is a horrible thing.

Everyday thousands upon thousands of people all over the world wake up for the last time. Many of whom did not realise. We all have plans for the future. We all think about what our lives will be like when we’re 30, 50 or 80 years of age, but many of us don’t get to…

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